
WOD Of The Day 20.02.14

20th Feb 2014


All of the following for time:

12-9-6 of: Strict Pull ups and Strict Ring Dips

12-9-6 of: C2B pull ups and Kipping Ring Dips

2 Rope Climbs

12-9-6 of: Strict HSPU and Pistols (round one is 12 left and 12 right, 24 total, no alternating)

12-9-6 of: Kipping HSPU and Alternating Pistols (round one is 6/side alternating every rep)

2 Rope Climbs

12-9-6 of: Muscle ups and Burpee Box Jumps, 30/24

12-9-6 of: Bar Muscle ups and Burpee Box Jumps Overs, 24/20

2 Rope Climbs